Website design

DR Webdesign & SEO >Prices Website design 

Website design and Website maintenance Prices

Website design

Our websites are well adjusted to your needs and your budget.
Let it be obvious that all mentioned amounts for website design, need to be paid only once. All pages become your property !

A domain name, webspace and maintenance on your site, are available as an option.

Our prices are clear, fixed, without any unpleasant surprises afterwards and reasonable for the quality Web development services we provide.
We distinguish prices for :
Basic website design.
Website design optimized for Search Engines.
One page website design or 'the Electronic Business card'.
Website design of multilingual websites.
Website maintenance.

You want value for money, at a fair price.
We have a flexible pricing strategy. All prices indicated are for the design of real, full web pages.
We don't consider a small pop-up as a full page...
a page to show an enlarged image is not a full page...
a few pictures and some lines of text is not always a full page...
Request a free quote for your projects. We'll be happy to offer you a perfect solution at our best prices.
We offer a 20 € rebate per page, if you provide text and pictures electronically !
We always include a free contact page !
affordable website design

Basic website design
85 € per page. (65 € if text and images are provided electronically)

For whom ?
Informative websites for small and medium sized enterprises, organizations... with a well-known name

  • You want to provide information as a service to your customers, members etc...
  • To promote your website, you depend on non-internet related media such as stationary, magazines, Yellow Page ads, flyers, vehicle signs...
What do you get ?
  • You deliver text and photos. The texts are put on the pages using your words and grammar.
  • Photos are optimized to guarantee a fast loading time.
  • A logical website structure.
  • Website design with easy navigation, clean-looking and easy to read pages
  • All pages are W3C compliant and validated to ensure quality.
Learn here how to recognize quality web design.


Website design optimized for Search Engines
110 € per page. (90 € if text and images are provided electronically)

For whom ?
websites for small and medium sized enterprises, organizations... with a less known business name

  • You want to promote your products and/or services through Internet
  • You want potential new customers to find your business on the major Search Engines and directories
What do you get ?
Same as basic website design +
  • Search engine friendly website design with built-in optimization.
  • You offer text and photos. We adjust and modify your text to have the keywords included and put on strategic places on the pages.
  • We submit your website in the (according to your language) major (free)*search engines
*On your request, we also add your site to search engines and directories that require a fee to get included , eg. MSN and Yahoo directory. We offer the registration as a free service, but the fees required by those search engines will be charged to you.


One page website design : An Electronic Business card
150 € per site

For whom ?
You realize that internet has become an important marketing tool.
You're sensitive to prestige and you want to make clear that you have affinity with the electronic highway but you don't need to promote your products.

What do you get ?
An electronic business card.
It's a one page website containing your logo, your name and contact details, together with about 6 photos to present your business.
When double clicking the photos, they are enlarged and presented on a pop-up screen.


Website design of multilingual websites
We start from the original language on your site.
For the first language, we charge the same amounts as described for basic and optimized websites (85/65 € or 110/90 € per page)

We can take care of all translation from English, French or German towards Dutch and from Dutch to English. This is a free service !
What comes next for other translations is up to you :
  - Either you take care of the translation
  - Either we contact the best fit translation agency for your kind of business
Once translated, we create the several versions of your site.

Cost for website design (extra cost for translation not included) :
  - 35 € per page for basic websites
  - 65 € per page for optimized websites


Website maintenance

When we design your website, we can offer you a website maintenance contract.

We charge 25 % of the cost to design the website, with a minimum of 120 € per year.
example :

basic website having 3 pages,design 300 €,Maintenance : 120 € per year
basic website having 8 pages,design 800 €,Maintenance : 200 € per year

We monitor the load time and availability of the site.
For optimized websites we carefully observe the evolution on internet. When there's a new directory or a search engine that gains importance, then we'll register your website immediately to keep on promoting it.
Should some guidelines of a search engine change, then we'll do whatever necessary to preserve your rankings.
Furthermore, a maintenance contract grants you the right for 2 updates per year :
eg. new address or contact info , new photo's...
You can have 1 page replaced by an other :
eg. change in products offered
Attention : Adding supplementary pages will NOT be covered by the maintenance contract

Updates of websites without a maintenance contract
and maintenance on websites that were designed by other companies :
We can give a fixed price for a project or we can work at 70 € per hour.
In this case, we always charge a minimum of 1 hour.


All prices VAT 21% excluded.

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Tielt, Belgium